Posted by Swellengram

SANParks Honorary Rangers

  • Posted 5 months ago
  • Activities and Clubs

The SANParks Honorary Rangers was officially established on 5 May 1967 but functioned informally until 1987 when the Association of Honorary Rangers was formed with 301 founding members. 

Swellendam Tourism

Today, there are over 2 100 SANParks Honorary Rangers members based in 31 regions around the country and volunteering in 21 of our national parks. The organization runs on volunteers and aims to educate and make the general public aware of the environment and the importance of conservation. Members can become involved in different activities, suited to individual skills and interests. These can include fundraising activities, organizing events, hands-on physical activities such as removing alien plants and beach cleanups.

Members also assist with duties in rest camps or at park gates in support of SANParks staff. Other ways for Swellendam residents to  support is by visiting the Under the Oaks market on Saturdays, where they can find Rupert, one of our long-standing members, selling secondhand books. All funds raised from the book selling goes to the Agulhas region for Bontebok and Agulhas NP.

Swellendam Tourism

Locally, the Agulhas SANParks Honorary Rangers concentrates on Bontebok NP and Agulhas NP, and meet once a month. Recently we held a Public Education display at the Swellenmark Centre to raise awareness of the organization and Bontebok National Park.

Swellendam Tourism

We found that many residents have never been to the park. Swellendam residents can, with proof of address, purchase a green card from Bontebok NP, which allows for 12 entries per year at a discounted rate. 
In the past year the Agulhas region have been able to assist and donate various equipment required by Bontebok and Agulhas NP staff to assist them in their work. Agulhas National Park have received mountain bikes, radios and safety vests. In June we were able to handover backpacks and boots to the SANParks staff. There are many more items on the cards that we aim to acquire for the parks.

If anyone is interested to find out more about the Agulhas SANPArks Honorary Rangers, or feel like they might want to volunteer or donate, they are more than welcome to contact one of the Regional Management Committee members. To become an Honorary Ranger you do not need to have conservation knowledge. If you are interested in conservation and making a difference, you are invited to come and see if it is for you. 
William Elliot  – Chairperson 082 854 6276

Nicolé Wege  – Vice-Chairperson 082 929 3288

Thinus Erasmus – Secretary 078 456 1729

Swellendam Tourism

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