Headline Sponsor: Featured placement and ownership of a particular day.
Sponsorship of Events Calendar *Daily* for one week
A once off only placement on the Daily Gram
5 pre-booked placements@ R100.00 Day & frequency of choice
10 pre-booked placements@ R90.00 Day & frequency of choice
20 x placements@ R75 on days & frequency of your choice
Weekly placement for one year@ R60 on day & frequency of your choice
Listed on SwellenJobs with linked placements, cost is per placement
No Link To Swellenjobs
1 Weekly
For private rentals and room shares, cost is per placement
Supplied by business, and placed on the website with teaser image link on Swellengram
Researched, photographed, and written by Swellengram team. (approved by the business)
Listing inclusion in a digital directory
Open to all local events, businesses and local eateries
Developed by Evolution Media House